Monday, November 16, 2009

Hailey + Popcorn = ER

So Saturday night we were sitting down for dinner a i noticed Hailey was breathing kinda funny and so i thought she just had boogers in her nose so i told her we would get them out after her bath so she decided she would get them out her self and went up stairs to get the tweezers so i went up after her and then that's when i saw it she had stuck a popcorn kernel up her nose and of course Donny had just left that morning for a 4 day run to Idaho so I called him to tell him what had happened and he couldn't believe she had done it so he said to take her in to the Dr.

I left Landyn with Donny's cousin and Hailey & I headed to the ER we get there get her checked in and they take us back and the way they got it out i never would have thought of it they had two nurses' one to hold her head and the other to hold her hands then i had to plug the one side of her nose and then i had to put my mouth on her mouth and blow like i was blowing out a candle and the force of the air push the kernel right out she was a little freaked out but she was OK and now thinking back i don't even know how she even got the kernel in the first place we haven't had popcorn in about a week and Donny had just cleaned her room last week

Here she is watching Ella Enchanted

Her very first ER bracelet

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So for the past few days Landy pants has been walking more i think he is trying to keep up with his big sister, he hasn't quite mastered it yet but he is getting there.

Not Sleeping

So for the last week Landyn has not been sleeping well at all he has been refusing to sleep in his bed he will only sleep on the couch or in my bed while being held so i have not been getting much sleep lately. This is what he has been doing on his late night excursions playing in the kitchen.