Monday, November 16, 2009

Hailey + Popcorn = ER

So Saturday night we were sitting down for dinner a i noticed Hailey was breathing kinda funny and so i thought she just had boogers in her nose so i told her we would get them out after her bath so she decided she would get them out her self and went up stairs to get the tweezers so i went up after her and then that's when i saw it she had stuck a popcorn kernel up her nose and of course Donny had just left that morning for a 4 day run to Idaho so I called him to tell him what had happened and he couldn't believe she had done it so he said to take her in to the Dr.

I left Landyn with Donny's cousin and Hailey & I headed to the ER we get there get her checked in and they take us back and the way they got it out i never would have thought of it they had two nurses' one to hold her head and the other to hold her hands then i had to plug the one side of her nose and then i had to put my mouth on her mouth and blow like i was blowing out a candle and the force of the air push the kernel right out she was a little freaked out but she was OK and now thinking back i don't even know how she even got the kernel in the first place we haven't had popcorn in about a week and Donny had just cleaned her room last week

Here she is watching Ella Enchanted

Her very first ER bracelet

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So for the past few days Landy pants has been walking more i think he is trying to keep up with his big sister, he hasn't quite mastered it yet but he is getting there.

Not Sleeping

So for the last week Landyn has not been sleeping well at all he has been refusing to sleep in his bed he will only sleep on the couch or in my bed while being held so i have not been getting much sleep lately. This is what he has been doing on his late night excursions playing in the kitchen.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Landyn!

He had frosting every were
What a mess

What Mom?

The Cake

Digging in
Tasting the frosting

Singing To the birthday boy

Landyn's Cake

Today Landyn turned 1 and i cant believe how fast he is grown up, he is trying to walk and he is starting to talk. He has about eight teeth now, he climbs like a little monkey just like someone else we know he likes to be were ever his sister is even though she likes to terrorize him but she also makes him laugh and his laugh is the best. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Little Man

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Little Rock Star

Today we went to the Discovery play place at the Gateway mall it was really fun they had lots of things she could do there was a place where you could make music and i think that was her favorite thing we couldn't get her out of there.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

This is.....

What happens when a 2 year old get gum unsupervised and it ends up in her hair and we tried washing her hair with peanut butter about five time so now my little girl looks like a little boy and while she was getting her hair cut i had a lady say to me "don't you feel like your losing your baby boy all over again every time you get his hair cut" i couldn't believe it

Friday, June 19, 2009

Locked Out

Last night Donny and are friend Rick went outside to BBQ and they took Hailey with them so she could color with her chalk, I was in the house getting Landyn down for a nap so when dinner was done i went down to go help clean up the chalk and get Hailey in the house and she got all mad and started to scream and then she goes in the house and closes the door and locks it and it just so happened to be the deadbolt and let me remind you that Landyn is taking a nap on my bed so were talking to her through the door trying to get her to open it and she kept turning the door knob instead of the lock so we are trying to get into the house Landyn wakes up screaming, Donny or I don't have are phone's on us so we can't call are landlord so i have to go next door and get his number and when i called him he starts laughing so he said he would be on his way over soon and just then Donny goes around back and climbs up to are bedroom window and gets into the house that way and lets us in so from now on when we are out side i will have a spare key to get into the house.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Morning Surprise........

And no it wasn't a good one either Donny and I woke up to HAiley playing in the crib with Landyn and then we looked out are door to find this............

Let just say that she has lost her t.v. privilege her treats and outside privilege today and no she was not trying to help make breakfast i am just happy she did not get into my s'more's that i was up till 3 am making.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Story Time...

So every night we have story time with Hailey she picks out about 5 or 6 books for us to read her and one of them is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and other favorite bedtime rhymes" and on the the stories is called "Goosey, Goosey, Gander" and this story cracks me up i don't remember this story when i was little but this is how it goes,

Goosey, Goosey, Gander
Whither shall i wander?
Upstairs and downstairs,
And in my lady's chamber.

There I met an old man,
Who wouldn't say his prayers,
I took him by the left leg,
And threw him down that staires.

I read that and just about hit the floor, But anyway this book has a bunch of different bedtime stories and Hailey really likes it among others.


This is what it looks like after 2 hours

So tonight after Hailey had her bath i was giving Landyn his bath and Hailey wanted to help me so she took his diaper and put it in the garbage for me and she then came running back into the bathroom and tripped over the rug and fell and she smacked her head on the side of the toilet i felt so bad she cried for a few minutes then she settled down and was back to her wild and crazy self and if you wondering were Donny is he is at work were he always is so this is not the first time she has done this while he is gone.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is what happens when Donny leaves to go get dinner and I'm getting Landyn down for a nap and I turn my back for 5 minutes

Six Years

Six years ago today Donny and I were married in the Bountiful UT. temple and I have to say I married my best friend. I never thought I could love someone as much as him, but everyday i find something new. He's a great husband and an amazing dad. We've had a lot of great times and I'm sure there are many more to come. Thanks for being a great husband and loving me! Happy Anniversary :) I love you

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First taste of Squash

The other day i gave Landyn some squash he didn't love it but he didn't hate it either I am still working on it with him and he is doing better with it he has also be scooting all over the place there has been a few times that he's been pushing up on his hands and knees so it may not be much longer till he starts to crawl.
Still no teeth..

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bath time in the sink

Today Donny recaulked the tub after we cleaned it really good i don't think it had been cleaned in awhile and well it was invested with mold so hence Hailey sitting in the kitchen sink it wasn't dry enough for them to get there bath in the tub, I'm sure Hailey will kill me later on for this but i just couldn't help myself sorry i didn't get one of Landyn it took both Donny and I to give him his bath Donny held him and i washed him
Landy pants after his bath all wraped up

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bounce or Rock

This is what Landyn does when he is in his bouncer i think it is funny because when Hailey had the bouncer like this she would go crazy and just bounce like a mad child but Landyn just like to rock back and fourth i find this kinda funny

Sweet Potatos

Today Landyn had his first taste of sweet potato's and to tell you the truth he liked them better then the rice cereal but we will see how it goes over the next few days.

Monday, April 27, 2009

6 months

Yesterday Landyn turned 6 months old and today he had his check up he is 16lbs 12oz and he is 27 1/4 inches long over all he is doing really well he is rolling over scooting and he is still working on sitting up by him self, As you can see here he is a big flirt he just started acting shy and trying to hide his face and give you that shy smile but he's not fooling me he is so not shy

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So it's been almost 3 months since we moved back to Washington and we are loving it Donny has been working alot and the kids and I have been hanging out with old friends we are loving being back here it is so nice the weather has been really nice the last week so we will see how long that lasts.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Rolling & Scooting

Yesterday Landyn rolled over for the very first i know it's about time he did something, so today i got him on the ottoman so he would do it again and he did then he was trying to scoot and he started to push off of Donny's hands then he was doing it by himself he is also working on sitting up on his own and he is almost there, he is getting so big way to fast.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cleaning her room

Here is Hailey cleaning her room as you can see she is putting all of her toys under her pillow this is the place were she hide everything her brothers bink my phone and anything else she can get her little hands on


I forgot how bad teething can be for the last two days Landyn has not been feeling well he's just been real fussy and he has been running a low grade fever, Last night was really bad he didn't go to bed until 11:30 and that's not like him he usualy is in bed by 8:30-9:00 then he's been getting up 2-3 times in the night and hes the child thats sleeps through the night and he really hasen't been eating either and he loves his food unlike his sister, I hope things will get better soon but still no teeth yet.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So when Mary and the kids came out to visit at mom and dads back in September they gave Hailey her birthday present it was a little bowling set its milk jugs and the ball is the face of a cow and it plays music. this is the first time that she really got to play with it so here is a little video of her playing

Thursday, March 26, 2009

5 Months

Today Landyn is 5 months old and he is getting so big he loves to chew on his hands we cant get them out of his mouth, and he really loves his big sister she makes him laugh all the time and she loves to smother him all in all they are really good kids

Friday, March 20, 2009

A place to call Home

So Donny and I moved into are own place just a little over a week ago and I'm so happy and Hailey is to she has her own room she just started sleeping in her own bed we still have some work on that but she is doing good. Yesterday we got everything put together we still have some things in boxes and they will be staying there for now but you have to remember we moved from a house to an apartment, I think we had about 20 trips to goodwill and 1 trip to the dump but it's all together and we can now call it home and we are so happy

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I finely got it

I finely got one of him smiling it only took me 4 months but i got it, I love this one he is such a handsome little man.

Baby Foods

I started Landyn on some rice cereal on the 4th he did really well and he likes it i think i have feed it to him a few times since then and he does really well with it as you can see he has it all over his face and when Donny saw it i thought he was going to get sick he can't handle food all over the face but there is more to come.

4 Months

Landyn is 4 months and 7 days old today and i can't believe it he is getting so big way to fast, I took him in for his 4 month check up on Monday and he is 13lbs 12oz and 251/4 inches i thought he was maybe around 15lbs but not just yet but soon he is such a happy baby and i couldn't ask for anything more

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Farewell my friend

Today i received an email from a friend telling me that an old friend of ares that we went to school with killed himself and his wife Friday morning. He's not the first and he's not the last person to come back from Iraq and end up with PTSD. I hadn't talked to him in a log time but the few times that we did talk he didn't seem like a mad person yes he had some problems but what person wouldn't after being were he was, I don't really know what to say about all of this all i know is I'm sorry for his family and for his wife's family. Jason you will be missed you were a good friend. Here is part of the article from the paper.

The Nellis Air Force Base airman who died in what is believed to be a murder-suicide Friday morning was being treated for post-traumatic stress disorder, a base spokeswoman told the Review-Journal today.
What role the possible disorder played in his death is still unknown, Capt. Amanda Ferrell said. The airman, 25-year-old Jason Matthew Klinkenberg, was receiving treatment in response to events that took place during a five-month tour of Iraq between 2005 and 2006, she said.

Klinkenberg’s death came after a roughly two-hour standoff with police inside an apartment at the Craig Ranch Villas

Police said Klinkenberg’s wife contacted a friend, who called police about 5:30 a.m. claiming that Klinkenberg was holding a gun to his wife’s head.

When officers arrived, Klinkenberg retreated into the ground-level apartment and fired shots out of the window at officers. Police did not return fire.
About 8 a.m., SWAT officers entered the apartment to find the couple dead. Clark County marriage records show he married his wife, 23-year-old Crystal Klinkenberg, in July 2007. The Clark County Coroner’s office will determine whether the incident was a murder-suicide.

Klinkenberg was a vehicle operator with the 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron. Ferrell said he had begun receiving treatment for PTSD on base but was eventually referred to an off-base specialist.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So last week the kids and I were in the bedroom cleaning up and Landyn was in his bouncer playing and i heard him and he was laughing so here is a video this it what he does when mom is folding laundry

Monday, February 9, 2009


So we have been in Washington for a week now and i am soooo happy to be back a few day s after we got here we had a play date with my friend Marissa and her two kids Hailey had a blast it was really nice outside witch was good the kids played outside in the back yard and Hailey loved it and to tell you the truth so did i, i didn't have to worry about her taking off or trying to run out in the street it was so nice so i think when we get are own place that will be one of the things on my list is a fenced in back yard she really enjoys being out side and for her to just go out and run it helps her get all of her pent up energy out and we all know how crazy my kid can be she is a wild one.

Well the kids are adjusting well with everything Hailey stills ask's to go home but i think that because we don't have all of our stuff and a place of are own i think that's why she is asking to go home but hopeful when we get a place of are own she will stop asking to go home or she will be like her cousin Caroline everytime she go to visit Nana and Papa she will walk in the house and say "nana and papa im home" but all together we are happy to be here.

Friday, January 30, 2009

3 months

Landyn is 3 months now and i can't believe it time sure does go be fast he has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now well when he gets a bath ever night then he will, he is a really happy baby the only time he really cries is when he's hungry or tired or if he needs his diaper changed and then when his big sister sits on him then he gets mad. He is doing really well and we couldn't be happier

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

12 days till moving day

Well we are looking at leaving for Washington the first or the second of February, I am hoping we can have Landyn blessed before we leave. I'm not really looking forward to the drive i think if we leave at night it will be ok that way Hailey will sleep for most of the drive but with Landyn i'm not to sure how he will do, let's hope he will be a good travler....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kiddie Kandids

Today we took the kids to Kiddie Kandids to get some pictures done, Mom wanted some nice pictures of the kids before we left. So Hailey had more fun playing behind the curtins then getting her picture done until the lady starting playing with her, Landyn wasn't really intrested in it i think he wanted to sleep more then anything and the only way i could get one of them together was for me to get in the picture with them oh fun!!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ear Infection

So today we went into Salt lake we were going to get the kids picture's done but we decided not to because thay have been sick and we thought it would be better to wait till they got better and i'm glad we did because we left Kiddie Kandids and wen't home and the whole way home Hailey cried she did not feel good so i thought i better take her to the Doctor and it was a good thing i did, She had a temp. of 102.3 and she has an infection in both of her ears.

This is the third ear infection she has had this winter so the doctor told me that if she has two or three more that we need to take her to an ENT and maybe get tubes put in her ears. So far this year is not starting out so well i just hope that it get's better not worse.