Sunday, May 24, 2009

This is what happens when Donny leaves to go get dinner and I'm getting Landyn down for a nap and I turn my back for 5 minutes

Six Years

Six years ago today Donny and I were married in the Bountiful UT. temple and I have to say I married my best friend. I never thought I could love someone as much as him, but everyday i find something new. He's a great husband and an amazing dad. We've had a lot of great times and I'm sure there are many more to come. Thanks for being a great husband and loving me! Happy Anniversary :) I love you

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First taste of Squash

The other day i gave Landyn some squash he didn't love it but he didn't hate it either I am still working on it with him and he is doing better with it he has also be scooting all over the place there has been a few times that he's been pushing up on his hands and knees so it may not be much longer till he starts to crawl.
Still no teeth..