Friday, June 19, 2009

Locked Out

Last night Donny and are friend Rick went outside to BBQ and they took Hailey with them so she could color with her chalk, I was in the house getting Landyn down for a nap so when dinner was done i went down to go help clean up the chalk and get Hailey in the house and she got all mad and started to scream and then she goes in the house and closes the door and locks it and it just so happened to be the deadbolt and let me remind you that Landyn is taking a nap on my bed so were talking to her through the door trying to get her to open it and she kept turning the door knob instead of the lock so we are trying to get into the house Landyn wakes up screaming, Donny or I don't have are phone's on us so we can't call are landlord so i have to go next door and get his number and when i called him he starts laughing so he said he would be on his way over soon and just then Donny goes around back and climbs up to are bedroom window and gets into the house that way and lets us in so from now on when we are out side i will have a spare key to get into the house.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Morning Surprise........

And no it wasn't a good one either Donny and I woke up to HAiley playing in the crib with Landyn and then we looked out are door to find this............

Let just say that she has lost her t.v. privilege her treats and outside privilege today and no she was not trying to help make breakfast i am just happy she did not get into my s'more's that i was up till 3 am making.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Story Time...

So every night we have story time with Hailey she picks out about 5 or 6 books for us to read her and one of them is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and other favorite bedtime rhymes" and on the the stories is called "Goosey, Goosey, Gander" and this story cracks me up i don't remember this story when i was little but this is how it goes,

Goosey, Goosey, Gander
Whither shall i wander?
Upstairs and downstairs,
And in my lady's chamber.

There I met an old man,
Who wouldn't say his prayers,
I took him by the left leg,
And threw him down that staires.

I read that and just about hit the floor, But anyway this book has a bunch of different bedtime stories and Hailey really likes it among others.


This is what it looks like after 2 hours

So tonight after Hailey had her bath i was giving Landyn his bath and Hailey wanted to help me so she took his diaper and put it in the garbage for me and she then came running back into the bathroom and tripped over the rug and fell and she smacked her head on the side of the toilet i felt so bad she cried for a few minutes then she settled down and was back to her wild and crazy self and if you wondering were Donny is he is at work were he always is so this is not the first time she has done this while he is gone.